2021年:【MIDD-010】イイオンナの開脚180°SEX LISA [39] Tong Li, Jufeng Zhao*, Xiaohui Wu, Haifeng Mao, Guangmang Cui. Infrared imaging enhancement through local window-based saliency extraction with spatial weight [J]. IET image processing, 2021(12):1-16. (SCI) [38] Y. Chen, G. Cui*, J. Zhang and J. Zhao. A Deep Motion Deblurring Network Using Channel Adaptive Residual Module [J]. IEEE Access, 2021 (9): 65638-65649. (SCI) [37] Xiaohui Wu, Jufeng Zhao, Haifeng Mao, Guangmang Cui. Infrared and visible-image fusion using multiscale visual saliency extraction based on spatial weight matrix [J]. J. Electron. Imaging, 2021, 30(2), 023029. (SCI)
[36]郁嘉恺,赵巨峰,崔光茫,吴超,朱骏捷.基于滤光轮双相机系统的高光谱永别率成像[J].仪器姿色学报:1-11.(EI) [35]毛海锋,赵巨峰,崔光茫,吴小辉.基于傅里叶叠层显微成像的LED阵诸君置纠正体式[J].光学学报,2021,41(04):103-113.(EI) [34] Guangmang Cui, Xiaojie Ye, Jufeng Zhao, Liyao Zhu, Ying Chen, Yu Zhang. An effective coded exposure photography framework using optimal fluttering pattern generation [J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2021, 139:106489.(SCI) 2020年: [33]Mao H , Wu X , Zhao J , Cui G. An efficient Fourier ptychographic microscopy method based on optimized pattern of LED angle illumination[J]. Micron, 2020, 138:102920. (SCI) [32]叶晓杰,崔光茫,赵巨峰,朱礼尧.基于闪动快门的互补序列对的贯通否认图像还原[J].光子学报,2020,49(08):161-175.(EI) [31] 李通,赵巨峰,毛海锋,崔光茫,胡金星.基于角度照明优化的傅里叶叠层显微成像体式[J].激光与光电子学发达,2020,57(08):276-285. [30] Guangmang Cui, Xiaojie Ye, Jufeng Zhao, Liyao Zhu, Ying Chen. Multi-frame motion deblurring using coded exposure imaging with complementary fluttering sequences [J]. Optics and Laser Technology, 2020, 126, 106119. (SCI)
[29] 叶晓杰,崔光茫,于快快,赵巨峰,朱礼尧.集合编码曝光和贯通先验信息的局部否认图像还原[J].浙江大学学报(工学版),2020(02):1-11.(EI) 2019年: [28] 赵巨峰【MIDD-010】イイオンナの開脚180°SEX LISA, 崔光茫. 计较成像---全光视觉信息的设想取得[J]. 航天复返与遥感, 2019, 40(5): 1-14. (特邀稿件) [27] Jufeng Zhao, Chao Wu, Weiping Hua, Guangmang Cui*, Keqi Zhang, Yu zhang, Yue Zang. Microscopic imaging quality improvement through L0 gradient constraint model based on multi-fields of view analysis [J]. Micron, 2019, 124: 102709. (SCI) [26] 崔光茫, 张克奇, 毛磊, 等. 集合多要领领悟和梯度完全值算子的显微图像赫然度评价钱式[J]. 光电工程, 2019, 46(6): 180531. (当期封面著作) [25] Guangmang Cui, Jufeng Zhao, Liyao Zhu, and Xiaoli Gong Glass bottle cap gap width detection combined with transmission lighting system design based on machine vision, Proc. SPIE 11023, Fifth Symposium on Novel Optoelectronic Detection Technology and Application, 110230O. (EI) [24] Wei-ping Hua, Ju-feng Zhao, Guang-mang Cui, Peng Ge, and Jiang Zhang Microscopic imaging improvement combining gradient constraint model and multi-fields of view analysis , Proc. SPIE 10832, Fifth Conference on Frontiers in Optical Imaging Technology and Applications, 1083218. (EI) 2018年: [23]崔光茫,于快快,叶晓杰,赵巨峰,朱礼尧.基于Memetic算法的编码曝光最优码字序列搜索体式[J].光学学报,2019,39(03):0311004.(EI) 国产色片[22]华玮平,赵巨峰,崔光茫,公晓丽,朱礼尧.微分赓续法红外条纹非均匀纠正[J].激光与红外,2018,48(07):930-936. [21]崔光茫,张克奇,徐之海,冯华君,赵巨峰.基于仿射重建和噪声散点直方图的图像噪声水平预料(英文)[J].红外与激光工程,2018(S1):190-196.(EI) [20]欧阳志恒,崔光茫,赵巨峰,朱礼尧,公晓丽.基于分层级各向异性滤波的图像景深渲染算法[J].光学技艺,2018(04):469-475.
[19]Weiping Hua, Jufeng Zhao, Guangmang Cui, Xiaoli Gong, Peng Ge, Jiang Zhang, Zhihai Xu. Stripe nonuniformity correction for infrared imaging system based on single image optimization[J]. Infrared Physics & Technology 2018, 91: 250-262,(SCI) [18]叶晓杰, 赵巨峰, 公晓丽,朱礼尧,崔光茫. 基于旯旮权重分析的水面弱策划红外增强[J]. 激光与红外, 2018(1):119-123. [17]Guangmang Cui, Weiping Hua, Jufeng Zhao, Xiaoli Gong, Liyao Zhu, A motion deblurring method with long/short exposure image pairs , Proc. SPIE 10620, 2017 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Optoelectronic Imaging/Spectroscopy and Signal Processing Technology, 106201O.(EI) 2017年: [16]Hua W, Zhao J, Cui G, et al. Local Saliency Extraction for Fusion of Visible and Infrared Images[C]// CCF Chinese Conference on Computer Vision. Springer, Singapore, 2017:210-221.(EI) [15]许磊, 崔光茫, 郑晨浦,等. 基于多要领领悟和权臣性区域索求的可见光红外图像交融体式[J]. 激光与光电子学发达, 2017, 54(11):105-114. [14]黄奕龙, 赵巨峰, 张克奇,华玮平,崔光茫. 集合物镜测试的梯度赓续显微成像质料种植体式[J]. 激光与光电子学发达, 2017(11):86-94. [13]崔光茫,赵巨峰,辛青.基于工业产勾引名义二线检测的执行设想[J].执行室预计与探索,2017,36(4):164-166. [12]Guangmang Cui, Jufeng Zhao, Xiumin Gao, Huajun Feng, Yueting Chen, High quality image-pair based deblurring method using edge mask and improved residual deconvolution [J], Optical Review, 2017 , 24 (2) :128-138(SCI) [11]Jufeng Zhao, Guangmang Cui, Xiaoli Gong, Yue Zang, Shuyin Tao, Daodang Wang.Fusion of visible and infrared images using global entropy and gradient constrained regularization[J]. Infrared Physics & Technology 2017, 81 : 201–209(SCI) 2016年: [10]赵巨峰, 高秀敏, 崔光茫. 集合坐褥线的视觉检测执行系统设想[J]. 执行室预计与探索, 2016, 35(4):59-62. [9]华玮平, 赵巨峰, 李梦,崔光茫. 基于分块与噪声散点统计的单图噪声预料[J]. 激光与光电子学发达, 2016(4):97-103. [8]Guangmang Cui, Huajun Feng, ZhihaiXu, Qi Li, Yueting Chen. No-reference image noise estimation based on noise level accumulation [J], Optical Review, 2016, 23(2): 208-219. (SCI) 2015年及畴昔: [7]Lirong He, Guangmang Cui, Huajun Feng,Zhihai Xu, Qi Li, Yueting Chen. Fast image restoration method based on coded exposure and vibration detection, Optical Engineering, 2015, 54(10): 536-545. (SCI) [6]Lirong He, Guangmang Cui, Huajun Feng,Zhihai Xu, Qi Li, Yueting Chen. The optimal code searching method with an improved criterion of coded exposure for remote sensing image restoration [J],Optics Communications, 2015, 338: 540-550. (SCI) [5] Guangmang Cui, Huajun Feng, ZhihaiXu, Qi Li, Yueting Chen. Detail preserved fusion of visible and infrared images using regional saliency extraction and multi-scale imagedecomposition,Optics Communications, 2015, 341: 199-209.(SCI) [4]崔光茫,冯华君,徐之海,李奇,陈跃庭.基于CSF和仿射重建模子的噪声图像质料评价钱式[J], 浙大学报工学版, 2015, 50(1): 144-150。(EI) [3]Guangmang Cui, Huajun Feng, ZhihaiXu, Qi Li, Yueting Chen.A modified Richardson-Lucy algorithm for single image with adaptive reference maps, Optics and Laser Technology, 2014, 58: 100-109.(SCI) [2]Guangmang Cui, Huajun Feng, ZhihaiXu, Qi Li, Yueting Chen. Multi scale detail-preserving denoising method of infrared image via relative total variation [C], ISPDI 2013 Fifth International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging. International Society for Optics and Photonics,2013: 890713-890713-7. (EI) [1]崔光茫,赵巨峰,冯华君,徐之海,李奇,陈跃庭.非均匀介质退化图像快速仿真模子的勾引[J], 浙大学报工学版, 2014,48(2): 303-311. (EI) |
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